Ykköspooli in Koivukoski

Ykköspooli in Koivukoski

The Ykköspooli area is one of the most reliable spots in Kymijoki for salmon and trout. Fishing takes place in an entirely private fishing area below the Koivukoski dam and power plant. There are two casting piers, one below the Koivukoski power plant and one above the start of the Ruhavuolle rapids. The Ykköspooli rowboat fishing area is the most reliable spot in the entire Kymijoki for catching a big salmon. Fishing pressure in the area is low, so the chances of catching a big salmon are always good. Rainbow trout are planted in the area almost throughout the season to secure a good catch. There is also a private lean-to for breaks and for telling fishing stories while enjoying provisions and coffee brewed on an open fire.

  • Catch: salmon, sea trout, rainbow trout and whitefish
  • Fishing techniques: fly, spinfluga, lure and rowboat fishing
  • Fishing season: around the year (depending on weather conditions during winter)
  • The best seasons are in the early spring, late summer and especially the entire autumn
  • Recommended group size: 10 persons
  • Duration: 8 hours
  • The fishing trip includes: guides, boats, fishing permits and equipment, coffee brewed on an open fire and meals, if needed.

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